You know what..

Published on January 1, 2024

You know what ? i thought i was free I thought life was just full of flowers with beautiful honey bees, Beautiful Honeybees which were free Which were free and happy and, used to live In their castle like majestic trees But wait , they were really not trees Rather were some beautiful hives created by those beautiful honeybees Hives full of joy and smiles with high ceilings and golden tiles You know what ? I was high enough and far enough to think this world in my head Just imagining a beautiful honey world in my dream Sleeping in my not so comfy bed Then i dared , The far enough and high enough I Should once look back to see what's there with my eye Then i saw a group of wasp Looking to invade the honey world for their equal grasp Waking from fear i looked back I saw a huge fireball getting near me But i dared to stand still , Challenging that beast To take me with it Then My eyes rolled back with shaking legs and unspoken fear emerging with caves of my eyes filled with sea of tears Why ? because I was Seeing a mystical creature called “time” which was holding my hand Saving me from that beast and helping me to escape to my so called beautiful land Then that fireball shouted! “ The fire of death was , is and will be following me But i was and i am with time so i am able to run from it “But as i will be getting older I will no longer have the same pace to keep up with time Then the fireball shouted from behind “Definitely , soon you will no longer will have same pace to keep up with time Then u will be with me With your hand full of grey Coloured with my fierce crime “ The the time came , When Leaving my hand “time” didn’t look back Same as me as i was seeing it go away In its own way and its never ending path Now i could see my shadows growing bigger With each second , i was glowing brighter Then it finally burned me Now i was with and was fire trying to get to “time” And fulfill my desire Destroying countless lives and , beautiful journey in my road ,leaving nothing , rich or poor Not leaving success tall or small Not leaving a taste Sweet or sour , Then i saw life was running infront of me with "time " carrying it to a safer way where i was following coutless lifes With my hand burned in grey Yes with hand burned in grey But you know what? With myself being happy to burn others to death Honeybees with their beautiful world struggling to keep its waves Dangers from hornets and smoke full of greys